Hyponephele pasimelas (Staudinger, 1886)
   Hyponephele pasimelas   (Staudinger, 1886)

· TYPE LOCALITY. "Amurgebiet, Raddefskaja" [Radde, Amur region, Russia].

· RANGE. The Baikal region, Transbaikalia, the Amur and Ussuri regions.

· HABITAT AND BIOLOGY. Meadow habitats on plains and at foothills. Flight period: June-August.

· DISTRIBUTION AND VARIATION. Populations from the western part of the range, viz. the Baikal region and W. Transbaikalia, differ from the nominate subspecies in the smaller size and more or less strongly developed ochreous-brown field in the UNF discal area.

· SIMILAR SPECIES. H. lycaon: smaller; UNF ochreous discal area developed; UPF ochreous bordering of eye-spots brighter and well-developed.

Photo and text: Guide to the BUTTERFLIES OF RUSSIA and adjacent territories Volume 1. PENSOFT, Sofia - Moscow. 1997