H E S P E R I I D A E Latreille, 1809
ERYNNIS Schrenck, 1801
Erynnis marloyi (Boisduval, [1834])
Erynnis marloyi (Boisduval, [1834])
• TYPE LOCALITY. "en Moree" [Peloponnesos, S. Greece].
• SYNONYMS: sericea Freyer, [1838]; rustan Kollar, [1849]
• RANGE. From SE. Europe (Greece) across Asia Minor to Syria and S. Iran.
• DISTRIBUTION AND VARIATION. The Armenian Highland and Kopet-Dagh. Variation relatively minor.
• HABITATS AND BIOLOGY. Dry stony slopes and rocky mountains up to 2,000 m a.s.l. Flight period: April-July in one or two generations depending on the altitude.
• SIMILAR SPECIES. E. tages: male with a costal fold, UNS lighter in colour and with white marginal points. E. pathan: smaller, UPS darker with markings less strongly contrasting, genitalia different (Fig. ).
Photo and text: Guide to the BUTTERFLIES OF RUSSIA and adjacent territories Volume 1. PENSOFT, Sofia - Moscow. 1997