Gonepteryx maxima
Gonepteryx maxima amurensis Graeser, 1888

• TYPE LOCALITY. "Nikko, Japon".
• RANGE . From NE. China to Korea and Japan, including the Amur and Ussuri regions.
• DISTRIBUTION AND VARIATION. The Amur and Ussuri regions - ssp. amurensis Graeser, 1888.
• HABITAT AND BIOLOGY. Steppe and forest-steppe habitats. Flight period: end of July to September, with overwintered adults flying in May-June. Host plant (Graeser, 1888): Rhamnus ussuriensis
• SIMILAR SPECIES. G. aspasia: UPF ground colour paler yellow. G. amintha: UPF ground colour with more or less well-developed orange dusting.

Photo and text: Guide to the BUTTERFLIES OF RUSSIA and adjacent territories Volume 1. PENSOFT, Sofia - Moscow. 1997