H E S P E R I I D A E Latreille, 1809
CARCHARODUS Hubner, 1819
Carcharodus flocciferus (Zeiler, 1847)
Carcharodus flocciferus (Zeiler, 1847)
• TYPE LOCALITY. "Sirakus, Sicilien" [Syracuse, Sicily].
• SYNONYMS: altheae Hubner, [1803] (nom. praeoccup.); gemma Lederer, 1852.
• RANGE. Middle and S. Europe to S. Siberia, Asia Minor.
• DISTRIBUTION AND VARIATION. The central and S. European parts to Cis-caucasian slopes and Transcaucasia (lacking in the Caucasus Major), the Altai, W. and S. Siberia up to Yenisei River/Krasnoyarsk in the east.
The species shows little geographical variation, more southerly the specimens being smaller in size and lighter in colour.
• HABITATS AND BIOLOGY. Grassy areas, forest edges, warm slopes/patches on plains and in the mountains. Flight: period: June-July, in the south possibly in two generations. Host plants in Europe (Eckstein, 1913): Lamiaceae [Marrubium peregrinum, M. vulgare, Stachys officina-lis, Thymus roegneri).
• SIMILAR SPECIES. C. alceae: male lacking a hair tuft at base of male UNF. C. orientalis, C. stauden, C. dravira: genitalia different (Fig.).
Photo and text: Guide to the BUTTERFLIES OF RUSSIA and adjacent territories Volume 1. PENSOFT, Sofia - Moscow. 1997